Congratulations, misogynistic, capitalistic, media-driven America – you’ve managed to “whorify” the American girl. Note: I did NOT say the “American Woman”, or even the “American Teen”. Nay, your lecherous exploitation has hit the most egocentric, impressionable, culture-sponging, insecure & desperate segment of our population.
Once upon a time, in lands far, far away, there were little princesses who were sold or bartered into marriage. Usually this was out of necessity. When your people only live until 35-40, teens are middle-age. (Hmm…I wonder if there were Neanderthal versions of mid-life crises…). So, everything started young, childbearing windows were small, and for the survival of the species, the sperm was a’flyin! But, since masturbation was a sin in many religions, the seed had to be planted in a female (although I’m not sure if ‘species’ was a deal breaker). Otherwise, children were a power chip – marriage was a way to cement the relationship of allies, or to diffuse the tensions between enemies. Young daughters were bred to be obedient non-persons, existing to fulfill their husband’s every whim and desire. Paraded for their beauty, taught “practical” skills of sewing, cooking, and, most importantly, being the perfect hostess, they repressed their sense of self, with only small escapes & catharsis through the arts. It was all about appearances. The “beautiful” daughter, dutiful and well-controlled. The very IDEA of a girl finding happiness and fulfillment through a chance meeting with her “true love” was appalling in its impracticality and lack of benefit to anyone (outside of the two lovers). Men folk proudly traded accounts of their conquests – albeit, not necessarily consensual – as the ‘spoils of war’ practices of pillaging and rape still tallied as a “score”. It don’t matter how you cream the corn, as long as you shuck the cob (yeah, kids, you can use that quote!) ***Hello modern frat brats w/your excessive alcohol & ruffies – you know what I’m talking about. “I totally scored with 3 freshmen last night – course they won’t remember it…”**** Virility was an indicator of power, leadership, and ‘conquering’ abilities – all well prized in fledgling societies. The squire or peon who could ‘satisfy four wenches & was still able to raise his sword the next morning had more “cred” than the impotent monarch or captain. They were heroes, to be worshipped in naked adulation. Herein lies a dilemma – the same public pride of “getting some” was unheard of coming from a “lady’s” lips – although sewing circles and beauty salons may’ve been a different story. A woman was to be a(n unwilling) participant in sexual activities. But ENJOY IT?!?!?! SEEK IT OUT?!?! HARUMPH! So, we’ve got sexuality flaunted as advertisement of “The Goods”: Be Pretty Be Obedient Be Gracious Be Quiet Fast forward a few generations. We strive for equality (at least on paper). At the same time, we encourage individuality, empowerment, and a “live and let live” mentality, a guy is laughed WITH as a player or “man whore”….. A woman – laughed AT & scorned for just being a “whore”. Oh sure, we’ll use & “enjoy her favors”, but she ain’t nothin’ but a fuckhole. Again, the Walkin-Talkin’-Packin’ Penis retains hero glorification & hi-5s all around. The sexual liberation of the 60s & 70s was a brief sojourn from this disparity. In many circles, ‘progressive’ attitudes & practices reigned supreme. Of course, this didn’t last long – and we backpedaled. Again, aggressive women were whores & bitches. The boys’ clubs, which had been quiet for a few years, returned – especially in the business world. Sure, you could sleep yourself to the top…of your station. You’d never be truly considered an equal, but, we’ll give you a pat on the head…and the ass. Hell, even gangs display this dichotomy: A guy will be beaten in & considered a full member… Girls – you get the pleasure of being RAPED in! And even then, are you considered a full member, or a place for their ‘member’? Hmm…… So, let’s rewind a few years – how did it get back to this social acceptability rift? I feel old saying this, but: IN MY DAY, we had Madonna. A shocking specimen of sultry sexuality and ‘critics-be-damned’ attitude. Imagine – underwear OUTSIDE your clothes, bustiers, tights & high heels = AN ENTIRE OUTFIT! She writhed on the stage, with songs oozing lust – “like a virgin, touched for the very first time”. Though I do give her credit for also admitting the possible consequences of promiscuity – as she begs her papa not to preach. Ironically, she showed up in the introduction of my college textbook for “Abnormal Psychology” – the fact that USUALLY public masturbation is quite frowned upon, but quite accepted during her concerts was plainly noted. Evoking the firebrand pinup girls with a dash of 80s WOMAN!!!! (four exclamation point minimum), she told girls they could enjoy sexual activities, their bodies, and personal choices. Her age made her an ideal idol for the teen & pre-teen sets. Generally hero worship seems to revolve around those slightly older than the target age. Perhaps it’s easier to aspire to their level of success, believing it could take only a few short years to get there. In any event, you didn’t really see many people below the double-digits taking on Madonna-isms. Parents worried for their teens, while the kids were still going gaga over Rainbow Brite and Barbie dolls. Of course, back then, kids still played ‘house’ with their dolls, and kept their underwear ON when the ‘girls’ were going to a party (again, thanks go to Ms.s Spears. & Lohan for their very public versions of ‘free-balling’. Who needs underwear? After all, it delays access for the split second it takes to rip them off…) And, here, my friends, is where I see a major impact & difference today – idols & models. Have you ever looked at any of the dolls from the Bratz line? Now, correct me if I’m wrong – but, generally TEENAGE girls aren’t playing with dolls, right? So, these hoochie-mamas are targeted to children. Proudly baring their midriffs ala Brittany Spears, wearing a shit ton of makeup, glossed & pouty ‘fuck me’ lips, accessories like aerobic steps (cause no one likes fatties), hi-cut bikini bottoms, hot pants, stilettos, and the all-important ‘bling’, they represent the basest consumeristic, shallow values of our society. And nostalgic playtime values whispering ‘friends till the end’ are drowned to the visual screams of sex, SEX, SEX!!!!!! Yeah, so I confirmed this trend on their website. Probably half of the products could double as ‘hooker dolls’ (***Note to self: create “hooker dolls” – people lap that shit up!***)…. And the Bratz KIDZ?!?!? Yeah, just shorter versions of their ‘older’ counterparts. Ick – are we targeting TODDLERS with this shit? Mama, I axed Santa for diet pillz (ending with a ‘z’, probably put out by the same line), an I awso want fwee-inch heawls so I can pwactice my dancing. Oh, and lest I seem totally focused on the girls’ side – you too can own your very own Metro sexual Bratz boy!!! Yes, let’s promote 6-pack abs, eyeliner, and total conformity, fellas! But, then again, perhaps the femininity of these figures will help combat the “masculine” assholism that’s pervaded for centuries… Nah…. Guys who model this mentality will just get their asses beaten…repeatedly. So, the message girls are getting today: SEX SELLS!! It’s all-important, your entire identity; your appearance and attitude are ALL that matter. Oh, and the ‘attitude’ you’re aiming for? “I’ll do ANYTHING to be accepted”, I am tied to my looks, and my body is my ticket into ‘society’, as well as my source of power & control over the opposite sex. Sex, sex, SEX!! But, kids, what exactly are you selling? And WHO are you bargaining for? Sure in the olden days, the ‘sale’ of your daughter while repellent and reprehensible, was at least done for a reason. You were securing your family’s place, ensuring peace, or cementing kinship, and family’s coercion conspiracy was inevitable. However, aside from the parents of beauty pageant contestants or pop-princesses, parents today really aren’t pushing this mentality & pressure on their teens. Nopers, this phenomena is originating & being perpetuated OUTSIDE of the household. While parents struggle to convince their daughters that beauty is within and they will be accepted for themselves, EVERYTHING else is telling them the exact opposite. Be beautiful, enticing – reel the boys in. Slutty is more than acceptable – it’s EXPECTED. You will NEVER fit in unless you submit to the crowd. Sure, your body is a temple – but one that should be open for tourists. And, really – who is behind this societal shift? Well, kudos go to the fashion, makeup, and booze manufacturers. And let’s not forget their vehicle – the entertainment industries. It’s COOL to drink underage, get ‘crunk’, gyrate & grind on strange guys at parties! This behavior is all over popular shows & movies, song lyrics, and the tabloids! Fuck the conga & bunny hop – C’mon, girls, join the train bang! Oh, and practicing ‘sexual activities’? Well, you’d probably be considered a TOTAL whore if you put out to any old scumbag. But, blowjobs & hand jobs? – ROCK ON! Hey you won’t get knocked up, or considered skanky, right? Oh, and VD??? Fuggadaboudit! Actually, kids, hold up a sec & draw up a chair. I’ve got some disturbing 4-1-1 on that last one. You can STILL get STDs! Just like your older friends & neighbors – well, YOURS will be special & may start a new trend!!! So, what’s worse – genital herpes – or ORAL SORES, aggravated every time you eat or drink something, or even swallow!?!? How well you deep throat could be between you, your partner, and an ear-nose-and-throat guy! Oh, yeah, you ain’t even close to ‘safe’ with that option. But, thanks for playing! Or, let’s go a half-step to the right. Sexting is ok, right? Sending provocative messages, all the things you WOULD do to Tony..and Bobby…and Mike… if ONLY they were there in person. Maybe a ‘teaser’… a pic in your underwear? Why the hell not?!? There’s no harm, right? Hell – send a mass message to everyone in your address book – including those cute college boys you met at the club – they were cool enough to bring you drinks!!! It’s not like anyone would take it SERIOUSLY…try to have sex with you….force themselves on you? EVERYONE you know is completely mentally stable, and will TOTALLY understand you’re only being playful. TEASE AWAY! OH, I know – let’s take ANOTHER step… And this will be SUPER FUN!!! Set up a facebook or myspace profile. Pouty expression? check. Dressed in underwear? check. Lollipop in your hand? bonus! Splayed on your bed, or leaning in a doorway? SCORE!!!! Oh, maybe some pics of you drinking at a party? YES!!!! Oh, and just for shits & giggles, let’s use a fake age to appear closer to legal (you can always make another account for your parents to spy on). Oh, and be sure to answer EVERY message you get – how awesome is it to get those 30 year olds hot?!? Awe, YEAH! You’ve got the power – you-know-where! Ooh, you’re DEFINITELY one of those newly-coined “tweens” – you BELONG! You FIT IN!!!! You know what? I sincerely believe that phrase was born out of this bass-ackwards early-emergence of slutty sexuality. Yeah, I said it – SLUTTY sexuality. How in the hell do we expect men to respect women, learn the art of ‘wooing’, when they’ve been checking out your t-backs, tramp stamps, and having their way before they fully understand what ‘their way’ is? This isn’t a stage ‘tween childhood & womanhood – that’s what being a ‘teen’ is. Theoretically, you have NO OTHER definition! You are a MADE-UP entity, because the true stage between “Child” and “Teen” is called “Pre-teen”!!! So, you are a flock of lost sheep, without a true identity beyond near-cartoonish Valley Girl-like shallowness and lack of substance. You are being (mis)led by horny men who are thus far successful at keeping your initiative and self-respect buried, while ensuring you keep your cleavage (and legs) open. For fuck’s sake – do you realize how DISGUSTING it is that this is what you’ve been reduced to? You should be angry, livid – PISSED OFF! There are reasons there are watchdogs for pedophilia, and even ‘consensual’ sex of minors!! It’s a CRIME!! You are being victimized, and led to believe it’s ‘cool’ and ‘normal’. Exploiting yourself for what? The pleasure of some oversexed pervert, THAT’S WHAT! What do you get out of it? Seriously? A MOMENT of “acceptance”.. IF you’re lucky. And the price? A lifetime of regret. A regression to times where NOTHING was in your control if you were a woman. A pretty plaything at the mercy of ever-fickle society, ever-changing ‘mates’, who will use, abuse and eventually REFUSE you. Each period in your life comes but once. You should take full advantage – because although you may be able to retain some of your childlike wonder, you will NEVER recall it all. There is something special about each stage – yes, EVEN the “awkward years”. We all go through it, and it gives us something to groan & laugh about when we’re past it. It is up to you to learn, observe, explore, while establishing your boundaries and developing your sense of self. When you’re a kid – PLAY. A pre-teen? Giggle about boys, as you discover maybe they’re not so icky. Teen years? Begin the tentative steps to discover your sexuality in a safe, pressure-free, and non-rushed situation. Again, establish some boundaries – there will be time when you’re adult to do everything else. When you make decisions that jump over a step or two, it’s easy to lose your footing, and never recover. You’ll always feel off-balance, as you continue your journey up. And beware the ‘helping hand’ that grasps yours to lead you further on – because you never know its motivations or where it’s leading you if you follow blindly. So, what is it you sell and forfeit if you play this game? Your childhood, your innocence, your chance to discover what makes you, YOU! When you follow the crowd and let society’s whims control you, you become just another face and body – a shell of a human being. You lose EVERYTHING, without ever realizing how much you truly had – beauty, intelligence, power, and potential to feel fulfilled and ‘whole’. The possibility of “Do-overs” is remote, and will never truly be realized. Why? Because with each experience, you gain knowledge and understanding. You will never erase or eradicate the memories or lessons learned, or heartaches earned. The scars will remain even if you try to go back. Oh, and by the way: “Born-again” virginity is a load of horseshit. If you let yourself be swept into the torrent of sewage and slime, you’re tainted by it. Your friends are not ‘right’ when they profess their way to be the ONLY way. And you wanna know a secret? They’re just as scared and confused as you are, but they desperately buy into the lie, and are comforted with the company. So, be the rebel, be a PERSON, not a ‘toy’ or ‘eye candy’. Who knows, maybe you’ll be part of the solution & turn the tide of this social disaster! What do you have to lose? NOTHING! What do you gain? YOUR OWN LIFE!!! OMG, you can TOTALLY LOL for real – a heart full of joy, instead of a funny feeling in your stomach – you know, the one you’ve been ignoring… THAT’S your Ick-meter, when it goes off, you’re going against your own nature. Most likely because of Bobby, Tony, Mike and any other dirty old man checking you out, and your friends doing their best to convince you that giving in, going down, and putting out is RIGHT & in YOUR best interest!! Girls, it’s time you put out a new signal – CLOSED FOR BUSINESS! You’re taking an emotional and mental sabbatical. Close the ‘muffin shop’, cover up the cupcakes, and take time to explore who YOU are. If “they” don’t like it – FUCK EM (please, NOT literally – that defeats the whole purpose of this rant). You’ll feel better just by taking control of your life, and finding true friends similarly lost among the wannabes. You’re NOT for sale or rent – objectification be damned! We are CENTURIES past any era where your sacrifice benefited anyone even remotely important to your world. The fat cat PTB (Powers that Be) are of no significance to you, so why choose to play into their hands? The choice & power is YOURS: SO, LET OUR CULTURAL DE-WHORIFICATION BEGIN!!!
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April 2022